Eat Your Cake Smoothie

[sharethis] I mentioned adding maca to my smoothie the other day… So what is maca anyway? Maca, maca, maca… there’s so much to tell you but I’ll be brief. Maca has been around thousands of years. Studies have shown that maca nourishes the endocrine system so adding this powder to your smoothies can help with stress and support your adrenals. … Read More

Tasty Sweet Smoothie

[sharethis] It’s Day 12! The weekend is here so time for festivities and fun. Remember to enjoy yourself but get in that green smoothie! Why not sip your green drink in a festive glass today? Nicholette’s drink looks oh so pretty and delish too! It’s always more fun sipping your smoothie in a fancy glass! And with a straw, too!  … Read More