Full Body Reboot
Catered Meals to Reset, Detox, and RebootHeads up! This detox is only available within 30-miles of the shop (Annapolis, Baltimore area)!
✅Reset + Detox
✅Fortify Your Immune System
✅Load Up On Vitamins & Minerals needed to boost immunity and aid in reducing inflammation
✅Simplify Your Routine
Each Detox Includes:
🍽 10 Pre-Made, Organic, Protein-Rich, Gluten-Free + Vegan Lunches
🍽 10 Pre-Made, Organic, Protein-Rich, Gluten-Free + Vegan Dinners
🤓Daily Coaching + Support from Lisa Consiglio Ryan, Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach & RASA Founder.
You'll also receive the Renewal 10 Day Detox program which includes a full menu plan, recipes for snacks, breakfasts, etc..., a journal, and a pre-cleanse guide.
Power Session
“I want to be healthy, but I am not sure where to start. What do I eat?”You’ve already tried the quick fix diets, pills, weight loss programs that cost a fortune. They just don’t work for you and you’ve never even used the DVDs you bought! You want to learn to eat healthy, quick, and easy meals naturally – for good.
You’re sick of feeling tired, heavy and unhealthy; but nothing you try ever lasts.
There’s just one problem. You’re drowning in a deluge of conflicting information about how, exactly, you’re supposed to go about doing it.
One celebrity doctor says you need to go Paleo… the next insists you eat vegan. Experts shill an endless stream of (obscenely expensive) miracle ingredients. Every second magazine cover hawks a “Drop-a-dress-size-in-7-days” diet plan.
During a Power Session, I will be able to pinpoint exactly where inconsistencies lie in your diet and lifestyle, tweak, and develop an action plan for you.
We will put together a game plan based on your specific goals PLUS you will receive take-aways that you can implement immediately in your life.
Cold-Pressed, Raw, Organic Juice
Whether you’re inspired to do a juice cleanse or add some juicy benefits to your already healthy habits, juice packs are right for you.We provide cold-pressed, nutritious juices to clients in the Baltimore-Annapolis, MD area.
And the best part?
We do all the work! The shopping, prepping, juicing, cleaning up, packaging, and delivering…everything is done for you.
Choose from a 1, 3, or 5 Day Juice Pack.
Juice Packs include four, 16 ounce bottles. You choose the date you want to start your juice cleanse.
Choose delivery or pickup.
Decide whether you would like to pick up your juices or have them delivered. Delivery fees vary depending on your location and juice purchase. Just have a cooler ready for your pick up or delivery.