Making New Year’s Resolutions? SIMPLIFY

Well, only a few more days in 2010. I am in such a creative and productive mode this week; taking time to reflect on how grateful I am for all the wonderful people in my life and that I get to do my life’s work everyday. I am a lucky lady for sure!

With all this reflection, I am also getting a head start on my 2011 resolution:  SIMPLIFY.  I am busy cleaning out every closet in my house and getting rid of all the clutter. I sometimes find that I just can’t think with a lot of unnecessary  junk lying around, and it seems to affect my attention on what truly matters.

During the de-cluttering, I found my journals.  I have at least 20 of them starting in 1989. I was checking out the January 1st entries, and boy, I was a resolution freak! I had at least 54 of them listed each year. Things like “take my vitamins every day, call my friends at least once a week, don’t fight with my boyfriend, etc…”  AND you know what, I can’t remember if I even followed through with any of them. There were too many to keep track of, and of course, that was a big set up for failure.  That is why I only picked ONE goal to work on this year so that I have more of a success rate and avoid overwhelm. 

Most of us make New Year’s promises with a mixture of delight and dread.  On one hand, it is exciting to think of a better future, more constructive habits or a better body.  On the other hand, there’s the resolution fallout and  depression.  You know, that time, usually around January 20th when you realize that you have officially given up on your resolution and you start to beat yourself up for lack of discipline and commitment.
Here are 3 suggestions to make this year different:

1.  Break your Resolution into simple steps.  Let’s say your resolution is:  I want to eat healthy consistently.  That can seem like a nebulous and overwhelming goal if not broken into steps.  To reduce the overwhelm, break your large goal of eating healthy into tangible small goals that you can accomplish each day or each week.

2.  Be clear on your WHY.  We often make promises to ourselves without exactly knowing why we are making the promises. For example, you could decide to work out 4 times a week.  Then in the morning when the alarm goes off at 5 am, you roll over and hit the snooze button. You convince yourself to “work out tomorrow morning.”  Perhaps it would be easier to drag yourself out of bed if you decided why you want to work out.  For example, you want to be strong and healthy for life and avoid the heart disease that runs in your family.  The next time the alarm rings, you may be more likely to get out of bed.

3.  Implement the “New Game” rule.  Are you one of those people that works on the win/lose principle?  You either win the game so you are perfect-no cheating and plenty of exercise. OR you make one little mistake-the one donut at the work meeting and you lose.  The rest of the day becomes a free for all eating frenzy.  If you participate in this sort of thinking, change your game.  No one is perfect all the time or ever will be.  Start a new game right after the slip up and you’ll adhere to the “no more donuts” rule.  Life is a game, one that is meant to be started over and over again.  Be nice to yourself. 🙂

How about you? Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Are you a list maker? OR do you pick a few? If so, any goals for the new year?  I would love to hear your thoughts so be sure to post a message below. 

Here’s to a very happy, healthy and shining NEW YEAR!

PS. Are we friends on Facebook yet?  Would love to connect with you there (especially since I tend to be on Facebook a little too much these days!). See you at  Whole Health Designs Facebook .

25 Comments on “Making New Year’s Resolutions? SIMPLIFY”

  1. Havent slept for three nights with a very sick little boy but when I read this I felt better and actually made myself take a shower.

    1. Carolyn, I am so sorry to hear about your sweet little boy. Is he feeling better? I am so glad you enjoyed the post. I am sure thinking about new year goals isn’t high on the list while Mason is sick, but hopefully he will be feeling lots better soon. xo

        1. Yes, I always feel like I can start over every New Year’s Day. Like a clean slate! De-cluttering is sure helping with my mood and focus, but the house is a bit of a wreck. 🙂 I know that it will be in order, though, and I am off to a good start this year.:)

  2. Well, my broad goal will be to eat healthfully on a consistent basis. The first step is to do the detox with you in…how many more days??? I have made a lot changes in that regard this year, but December set me back a bit. Your 30 days for 30 dollars of holiday coaching put the brakes on to a large degree–I didn’t do the damage I normally do, but I’m looking forward to getting back to a nice schedule that includes exercise and drinking lots of water–that made a big difference!!!

    1. Isn’t moving our bodies and the simple water AMAZING! You are doing so many things to works towards your overall goal. So awesome to hear that the daily speed coaching helped with keeping things in moderation during the holidays. I am ready, too, to get back to a routine. Having the kids home and traveling threw a wrench in my exercise routine. As for the detox, the doors open JANUARY 10th!!!! You are signed up and ready. Just give me your start date.:) I will be launching the detox program next week on-line. So exciting! AND a super way to jump-start a healthy routine. Thanks for sharing, Kathie!

  3. I love New Years time! It’s a great time for decluttering and making a fresh start. I haven’t thought much about goals for my health…but lots about my business. And, I’ve already decluttered 2 areas in my home.

    This is a great post. One thing I like to do is break things down into small steps…things that I can do in 15 minutes at a time. That helps to focus on just one thing; and leads to less overwhelm. One of my business resolutions this year is to plan out the year in advance. So, I’ve made several steps toward that goal already…1) purhased one of those large dry erase “at a glance” 2011 whole year calendars 2) plotted out every free webinar, coaching program call, and master class that I’ve got planned

    Now, I’m working backwards from the webinar/call dates and figuring out what needs to happen on a weekly and daily basis to get there. I think this concept could also be applied to body/health goals. I’ve been considering working on one body/health goal per month in 2011…putting one at the beginning of each month and then figuring out what little steps need to be done that month to make that a good habit.

    Anyway, thanks for the great post!

    1. You so ROCK, Rebecca! What 2 areas did you de-clutter? I started with my office. I am still working on it! I bought one of those large yearly planners and just posted it up on the wall. I still have to add all the webinars, coaching events, etc… for my biz, too. You certanly seem to have so much in order already. I like your idea of the 15 minute routine. I will try that. Just like with health goals, taking it step-by-step is so key to avoid that overwhelm feeling. AND then nothing gets done due to procrastination. Let me know what body/health goals you might have in 2011. Thanks so much for sharing, Rebecca!

      1. Oh…here’s a body/health goal I forgot that I thought about already. I just started doing T-Tapping again (had put the DVD away for several years) and really love the way it makes me feel. And, it really does only take 15 minutes! My thought is, I should be doing it 3-5 times a week. So, maybe I’ll make a goal for January to do it 3x a week. Then, kick it up to 4x a week in Feb, and finally 5x a week in March.

        Then, maybe I’ll set a new goal to work on when April rolls around:()

        My 2 areas I’ve decluttered….one is under the steps leading to the basement. WHAT A DISASTER! I’d been procrastinating forever. It had wrapping paper, wrapping paper boxes, baby gifts, birthday gifts, the giveaway box for Goodwill, etc. I actually threw away 3 black garbage bags of stuff from there! And now, the wrapping paper is categorized, boxes are flattened for gift use, and the baby gifts are neatly organized for the next time I need one.

        The other area is my office space paperwork. This seems to be an ongoing project, but during my year end blog post series, I took all of my own advice and worked on getting the paperwork under control,entered and filed:0

        1. Rebecca, I just dig your T-Tapping goal. I heard that is a great way to tone and stay in shape. I like the way you broke down the goal so that by April you will be set for another health and fitness goal. 🙂

          I haven’t hit the basement yet…it is a wreck! You totally have things all organized…even baby gifts?! You are the queen of organization, Rebecca!!! The filing is what gets me at times, so I have decided to put it as a timed/dated task on Google calendar so that I know I will do it. Thanks so much for your message, Rebecca! AND keep in touch with your goals.:)

  4. I love this post! Thanks so much for sharing with us. It’s so true… I’ve made TONS of resolutions in the past as well and then just feel overwhelmed. For me, I think I’m just looking to live true to my mission statement and to start to shift my life in a new direction this year. Business and personal. There’s also some specific projects that I want to complete this year such as launching and growing StartupCorner, putting together poetry book that I’ve wanted to make for YEARS and finishing a book I started to write earlier this year.

    Also, I love old journals… Makes me want to dig mine out! 🙂 And I definitely am in need of some de-cluttering and organization. Such a great thing to do at the start of a new year.

    Happy New Year to you! xo

    1. Stephanie, thanks so much for your message. I am so excited for the StartUp Corner launch!!! You are truly an amazing entreprenuer and I am very thrilled for you. AND books! WOW! I can’t wait to see your creations. I, too, have business as well as personal goals and the theme is going to be keeping things simple and streamlined. I like your idea of being true. Living authentically is the way to go…so much easier, don’t you think?! I vow to just be ME and let things just be simple. Sounds easy, but for me, sometimes old stuff can get in the way, but I am working hard to change patterns. Stephanie, I am so happy we connected and I can’t wait to see all the good stuff 2011 will bring for you. Happy New Year! xo

      1. Lisa, I’m so happy we connected too! I’m excited to see what the new year brings for us both. 🙂 Yes, vowing to just be yourself is a great, but sometimes difficult goal. At least for me… I find that I’m only 100% open around certain people (and on my blog!) and I really just want to stay that way all of the time. But you’re right, it’s about breaking those patterns and that just means continuing to push through the blocks until they no longer exist! Have a fabulous New Year!!! xo

  5. this is something I need to keep in mind keeping my resolutions and goals really simplified.. I usually am not too hard on myself when it comes to resolutions, but this year its time for me to rekindle on some decisions that I made during my trip to rhhlive. I did decide that I wanted to travel more mid year and I have been doing a lot of that.:)

    1. Pat, you are right. I try to also not be too hard on myself. I sure did when I was in my 20’s…always beating myself up if I didn’t do things perfectly. Then I just would give up at some point. Now, being gentle with myself is working well and I seem to be accomplishing goals step by step. I want to travel, too! That is one of my passions, so happy you mentioned it. AND that you are traveling more too. Have a great 2011, Pat! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Pingback: Tweets that mention Making New Year's Resolutions? Try these 3 ways to make 2011 an awesome year --

  7. Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for this post. I did accomplish much this year and in the past 4. For 2009 was to finished my first Marathon and I did!! For this year (2010) was to finish my first Triathlon and I finished 2!!!! I guess fitness was at the top of my list. I felt so good that I want to continue to get better at running, swimming, and biking. Please bare in mind that I started running in 2007 and I really do not know how to swim or bike properly 🙂 For 2011 besides my fitness goals, I would also like to de-clutter my life. I will definitely take your advise and start small and go from there.

    Happy New Year 🙂

    1. Happy New Year, Ana!!!! You are an athlete ROCKSTAR! A marathon! A triathlon! Wow! AND finished 2nd! I have no doubt that you will continue to obtain all your fitness goals this year. Are you signed up for a triathlon this summer? As for the decluttering, taking it step by step is the way to go. At least for me, I tend to get too overwhelmed when there is too much to do and I don’t have a step by step plan. Here’s to a FABULOUS 2011, Ana! 🙂

      1. Hi Lisa,

        Thank you. One thing, what I meant to say was that I finished 2 Triathlons last year. Sorry for the confusion. My goal is always to finish 🙂

        1. My bad! I must have read it wrong. Hee hee. I am totally one to try to finish. I like sprints because those are obtainable for me at this time. I remember you mentioning the tris and I am in awe of all your goals! You are truly amazing and a great inspiration, Ana.

  8. Great post Lisa!

    I’ve definitely been trying to declutter more and more lately, not just my home but my inbox as well. I guess my overall resolution for 2011 is to stay focused. I tend to get so sidetracked with every little thing. I have clear goals and I know what I need to do to reach them. Now all I have to do is… focus! Happy New Year!!

    1. Oh, that darn INBOX! I am totally going to get it to zero~that is part of my plan to keep things simple. I am like you, I get so immersed in my work and planning, then get sidetracked (especially with that email thang). We can make a pact to keep the focus this year. 🙂 I would love that, Liz. AND Happy New Year!!!!

  9. Hey Lisa 🙂

    Love this post – especially #3 New Game rule…. I like the r-start or re-boot mindset you brought to it… It is hard to not think win/loose when things get tough, but this perspective really brings the bigger picture in to view.

    I’m working on my planning all this week and I’m going to use that one. Thanks Lisa!

    1. Super, Jenn! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts for the New Year. That New Game rule really helps with being gentle with myself. Keep me posted, and Happy New Year!!!!! 🙂

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