This is the first post for the Spring Cleaning-Inside and Out series.
I’m gearing up for Spring Renewal 10 Day Detox and couldn’t help but take a look around me.
Sure, I’ll be spring cleaning my body with fresh salads, delightful soups, and sipping on smoothies as I clear the clutter, the extra fluff and heaviness, BUT I just can’t neglect my environment anymore.
I HAVE to pay attention to my home. It HAS to be done. As I listen to my soul, if I keep ignoring and letting things go, I know I will keep myself stuck and hindering any rewards from my spring cleaning.
When I speak of spring cleaning, I simply mean, “Supporting your body while taking care of your truth.” Truth. It means something different to each and every one of us.
When it comes to tapping into our truth, things can get tricky when we try to lose those last 10 pounds or get back to exercising (or whatever your goal is to spring clean your body). As humans we gravitate to the latest quick-fix, some cookie-cutter diet. We want it fast, no waiting. And I’m no different. As I mentioned before, winter took a toll on me and I have a bit of roundness and fluff I would love disappear instantly.
But after years and years of the diets, the pushing, the striving, the making things happen (even if it wasn’t good for me), I realized that you do NEED a system, but it doesn’t have to be so rigid. And it takes time to hit your healthy sweet spot.
Plus if you don’t quiet your mind and listen to your body, you’ll have a long, long wait to really getting what you want AND finding the answer to what is really good for you.
Cynthia Morris, friend and former coach, said something that hit home for me.
“We tend to hide behind our food.”
It’s so true. Caffeine, sugar, all kinds of crap, clutter, that keep us feeling numb and not connecting to our bodies, our truth.
Decluttering our bodies with detox will do the trick.
But what do we do about our surroundings? If your kitchen is a mess, do you really want to go in there and cook?
So not only will we declutter our bodies with detox, we are going to declutter our homes, too.
Having clutter can:
• Make you feel tired and lethargic
• Keep you in the past
• Congest your body
• Affect your body weight
• Confuse you
• Affect the way people treat you
• Make you procrastinate
• Cause disharmony
• Make you feel ashamed
• Put your life on hold.
Clutter really can effect your life so we need a few strategies to start clearing away.
We will use the bagua map (connects the design of your home with the blessings and treasures of life.
Let’s take a look at my home.
I was embarrassed to show you some of the mess, but I believe that my truth is to be imperfect as I used to try so hard at being perfect! Such a work in progress for me!
With the help of Dana, client, friend and Feng Shui consultant, I find out how to remedy a few clutter issues immediately. And wouldn’t you know, I noticed the difference!
Let’s start with the leak in my ceiling.
Ugh, it’s been going on forever (months and months). I don’t even notice it because it’s so random, but I had no idea the issues it is causing in my life!
The leak was a part of the Health and Family section of my house!
So just think, leaks are draining, disrupting healthy flow, vitality.
Water in feng shui represents two things: (1) money and (2) your emotions. Very interesting about this link. It’s all about flow. If you have a dripping faucet or a leak in the ceiling that won’t subside, I learned quickly to get it fixed pronto! When you fix something in your home, you are fixing it in your life. You don’t want your money leaking out, do you? (Or your emotions for that matter!)
Remedy #1: Fix the leak! And I did. Unfortunately the plumber though it was coming from the upstairs toilet and the leak started again a few days ago. He’s coming tomorrow so cross your fingers the leak will be fixed once and for all.
The leak can be connected to the body. A lot of the times it’s not a certain food or unhealthy habit like late-night snacking that is bad, it’s the relationship you have with it. So take a look at what is going on with your relationships, the emotions you are having and see if things are in sync.
For me, I realized in the past few months, I’ve been distant, not reaching out to family or friends, kinda hiding out. I bet that leak has something to do with it!
Okay, ready to see all the crap in my foyer closet?
This is another section of the house I had to get decluttered a.s.a.p. Dana said that you enter my home via the Helpful People + Travel section. This represents synchronicity. And boy oh boy, my closet was sure stopping any type of movement.
The clutter was in the spiritual part of my home. I was finding it hard to be purposeful with my actions, my intentions and blocking harmony with the Universe. Plus this type of hidden clutter is so negative.
Remedy # 2: Get rid of all the crap in your closets because there is no hiding! Do some inner work with this.
As you clear out the closets (and even drawers, you know the one, that junk drawer in the kitchen!), contemplate what each item is “saying” to you. Is it scolding you for gaining weight? Is it broken or torn? These items can bring you down. So once you heard what they had to say, let them go. Step fully into your power and let go of things (and people) who don’t have nice things to say. In doing so, you’ll see your self-esteem boost.
The last clutter item I want to show you is that “throw all kinds of sh** on the counter” happening in my kitchen.
We stack bills, kid’s papers from school, permission slips, and as you can see a little bit of everything on our corner hutch. I noticed that I like to keep things pretty clean and clear on my kitchen counter tops BUT the piling in one corner is something I need to stop in order to move energy.
I think that these little piles, no one sees. BUT Dana pointed it out right away and the mess made her very sad. My kitchen is in the Self-Help and Education section. Yikes! As well as a part of the Health section.
I was instructed to throw away all the items (except the cute handmade gifts from my kids), even the old printer, to make space in my life for even more good stuff. The piles of clutter weren’t allowing me to “be still.” I meditate, but I’ve noticed an even more enhanced practice now that things are cleared away.
Dana also recommended painting that section of the room yellow to enhance vitality.
Remedy #3: Don’t pile things in one corner. You can’t hide, especially things you don’t want to see or acknowledge. Throw all old “things” away that don’t serve you and make space to just be still.
When you pay attention, you will unlock why everything you eat seems to make you feel bloated or that you can’t get motivated to get back to the gym.
There you have it, the 3 most kick-butt remedies to jump start your spring cleaning. What will you start with in your home as you cleanse your body?
Oh, and you know something?
I found out a simple truth about me. That I wasn’t truly paying attention to my life. I was good at the self-care with the body but wasn’t really LIVING a comfortable life in my home. And this, I’m finding out, can really screw with body image, self-esteem and keeping focused. Not to mention feeling at ease. I’m working on all this during the Spring Cleaning-Inside and Out series. Come join me and stay tuned!
*The next post in the Spring Cleaning-Inside and Out series, we are going to take a good look at the kitchen and provide even more life-changing remedies you can put to good use.
What do you say?
As always I love to get your thoughts so tell me one thing you would love to declutter from; it can be in your home or with your body. Share below in the comments.
Spring Renewal 10 Day Detox is right around the corner. Let’s get a big spring cleaning, inside and out!
13 Comments on “Three Kick-Butt Decluttering Remedies (healthy body and home)”
Oh my goodness!! My kitchen counter is full of paper “stuff”. It literally drives me crazy to look at so I kinda go into a look over it mode. I’ve gotta clean it up!! Thanks Lisa, I always love your openness and honesty. XO
Ha, Tracie! So glad you can relate! I really need to look into more about these little piles I do. I’ll have a neat and clean rest of the room, but a little pile of crap, esp. papers. I’ll have to ask Dana about this. AND love you! xx
I am interested in the Costa Rica trip. I do not have a travel partner. Is the price per person double occupancy? Or is it for single without a supplement? It would be a gift to myself.
Darlene! This is awesome! Rooms are shared but if you prefer a single room please get in touch with us to discuss extra pricing. What a fabulous gift for YOU! I would so love to have you join us!
When we make excuses for eating poorly or when we make excuses for living in uncomfortable cluttered spaces we can not live our best life. What I love about combining eating clean AND feng shui is this; two systems become a mutually reinforcing powerhouse that keep us thriving and supported. The more balanced we keep BOTH systems the more in line you are for a healthy life.
Another great feng shui tip is to create an ideal/happy/welcoming/peaceful entrance into your home. Nobody wants to eat an ugly prepared meal- nobody wants to taste and enjoy a yucky recipe! Your body loves the taste and texture of certain food pairings. Your eyes and senses want the same from that initial entrance into your house:)! It wants to feel comfortable and alive. As we usher in new growth this spring- usher in new positive energy every time you come home from work/play/life etc. A new doormat, fresh coat of paint in the hallway, fresh light bulbs, is it colorful and more importantly does the entrance reflect the individuals who live there? The entrance way is where we change hats and let your hair down at the end if a long day! Make it supportive!
No harsh rules here just love what you pick out and well that’s good feng shui!
I love that philosophy and wholeheartedly agree! I’m still working on that entrance…have flowers and all is put away neatly. Love all of this, Dana, and excited you will lead us for the Spring Cleaning-Inside and Out!
Dana, how would that house map work for a split level home? We have 4 levels but two on one side and two on the other offset by about 7 steps. Does the map then hold true as if the whole house was a square and fit right on top? Thanks!! I need to get rid of this clutter!
Great q, Natasha! Let’s clear the clutter together! Dana is the expert so she’ll give you the straight dope on the bagua. Hugs to you!
Hi! You apply the bagua on one level at a time starting with where you enter each level. Keep reapplying. I do keep in mind the overall map to see where the splits affect me most. I have loved in two split levels and always needed wind homes to pull up the energy over my staircase. I would have to see it- stairs create a beneficial flow or the create unrest by moving the chi too quickly or draining it too quickly! You can find me through Lisa if you have more questions!
Always ‘lived’ And need wind chimes:). Darn auto correct!
Thank you Lisa and Dana. I always appreciate the real, and Lisa you’re keeping it real 🙂 thank you, I have one room that’s been receiving the leftover furniture we don’t know what to do with. This is my challenge for the week 🙂
I’m excited to find out how your challenge goes, lovely! Can you sell the furniture? OR give to a good home? I was in LOVE with my antique dining room set and it took me forever to replace it with something more comfortable and fitting for my new home. I ended up giving it to a newlywed couple and it felt so good! Keep us posted!
Great idea Lisa! I know a couple down the street who just moved in,,, hmmm wheels are turning! Thanks, Mama.