What would summer be without ROAD TRIPS!
Recently I flew to Cali to do some Go Clean Sexy You business and also got to play… and road trip it.
I’m always up for an adventure. Last week, I visited my dear friend, Elizabeth, near San Fransisco (we hiked on the hills with eucalyptus trees… so pretty and smelled so good!)…
And since I was out West, I decided to take a road trip to Big Sur and experience the ultimate highway of all, Route 1. 85 miles of stunning scenery. I swear I stopped every few minutes to take snapshots of the beauty.
And again…
and again…
Have you ever been to Big Sur?! It’s magical.. truly magical. The energy is like nothing I experienced. It’s totally off the grid (no cell reception… I thought that was a joke, everywhere you go, you can connect. But no. Since I couldn’t connect with the gps on my phone, I had to use a map! Gah, so old school!).
I had a massage at the Esalen Center overlooking the Pacific. The view! After I hung out at the bath house and lied naked in the sun (I couldn’t believe I did that! It felt so free!)
I did a lot of hiking…
and treehugging (the Redwoods were amazing!)
and taking in the sunsets…
I stayed overnight at the adobe motel, Glen Oaks (highly recommended!) and then was off to do some work back in San Fran. The quick trip was just what I needed to reset and get back in touch with nature again. Being outside grounds my soul.
Sooooo, let’s talk about food. Everywhere I go, whether it’s taking the kids to soccer or field hockey, running an errand, and taking road trips, I always have a stash of food with me. I don’t do well when I’m hungry (my family can vouch for that!). Especially on a road trip where you can go miles and miles and miles without a rest stop to grab something to eat. And usually the food is ugh.
SO what did I pack? Since I was traveling for about 4 hours and didn’t have my kitchen, I headed to a local Whole Foods to stock up on a few basic snacks.
Vega bars, bananas, and carrots.
I also stopped at the Juice Shop and got a protein smoothie (maca, cocao, almond milk, avocado, kale, and flax) and green juice (apple, ginger, lemon and spinach).
A good rule of thumb is to have enough protein (Vega bars and smoothie), healthy carbs (carrots, bananas, green juice) and fat (smoothie- avocado and almond milk) with you. This will keep your metabolism boosted as well as fight off any hunger pangs.
Try to find healthier options if you have to stop and eat out. Get the Happy Cow app on your phone to search for veg friendly restaurants.
If you are at home and can do a little cooking in your kitchen, use my packing guide:
- Chilled Tomato Soup
- Smoothies
- Power Balls
- Fruit (peaches, bananas, berries)
- Nut butter (dip for veggies and fruits- added protein)
- Veggies
I also make a protein packed breakfast if I am leaving super early.
Spa Muesli
In a mason jar, combine unsweetened original coconut yogurt, gluten-free rolled oats, berries, bananas, nuts, seeds, and flax. I typically use So Delicious for the coconut milk yogurt, Bob’s Red Mill for the oats, chopped walnuts and sliced almonds, and pumpkin seeds.
It seriously takes me about 30 minutes to get my stash together. These ideas are quick and the only thing that might take more time is letting the Power Balls harden in the fridge. Do those the night before if you can.
Check out more ideas on easy plant-based foods to bring on your trip (dips, hummus, power bars, juices, smoothies, muffins,etc..- FREE DOWNLOAD)>>>
As you can see, I tried to emulate what I usually do back home with my Cali road trip. Improvising is key!
Besides some work, I made it back to San Fran to visit with my “bro” Eric. We ate at a vegan sushi place, Shizen Sushi… (a great rec!- use your Happy Cow app to find places like this so you can work your 80/20 guideline)
And witnessed the full moon over the Golden Gate Bridge.
Not the best photo but we tried!
I am now back at home… I missed my family deeply and after my flight being cancelled due to Southwest’s computer crash, I was ready to be back in Annapolis.
BUT my heart will still be with Cali… I will be back soon!
Okay, your turn! What foods do you bring with you on road trips? Share your faves below!
Enjoy the rest of your summer… explore, rest and have an adventure! xo
PS. If you need a big reboot after your road trip, download your Raw Renewal 7 Day Detox plan and Eat Clean Menu Kit: shopping lists, menu plans and recipes (less than 5 ingredients!). Click to get instant access to your plans and energize, lighten up and GLOW>>> Clean Eating Summer Bundle Kit