Welcome to the Kickin’ It Clean, Healthy and Hot Blog Series to kick off the NEW Fall Renewal Detox.
Can I get a whoop whoop!
Our first post deals with kitchen gear. How many of you like to collect all kinds of gadgets and your counter top is full of things you never ever use. Like ever?
My hand is raised up high. I recently did a massive decluttering job to weed out unwanted gear. I felt amazing when I did that! I don’t feel stressed out when I entered the kitchen anymore. I feel relieved and have space to think about what I want to cook (or create…I think cooking is such an art!).
When your kitchen gets cluttered, your mind gets all jumbled up and it’s hard to make decisions…healthy decisions because you are stressed about the mess. It’s easier to just pick up take out and ignore all those Pamper Chef party items you just had to buy littering your counter.
I’ve narrowed down the ONLY 6 items you need to dive into the clean life. These are the absolute basics in my book so before you get yourself to Whole Foods or your favorite natural market, make sure you have these items on hand.
All items are relatively inexpensive (well, one not so much, but totally needed!), easy to use plus these items will save you tons of time.
Click my video and find out what you absolutely need for your kitchen:
And the BONUS gear you MUST have:
Storage containers! My favorite are Snapware. When my Snapware Glasslock Set arrived from Amazon, I almost fainted with joy. I know, I’m a nerd. 🙂
- If you are looking for an unusual utensil and you know you will use it a lot, take a trip to the Asian market. You can find tools there for super cheap.
- I also love pretty plates and dishes from Antropologie. You can also pick up a cool apron to get you in the cookin’ mood.
- When you decide to add on to your collection, do some research, contact me for advice, and build your beautiful kitchen step by step. Who knows, maybe you’ll someday have a dehydrator and that mandolin you always wanted (wait, that’s me!).
I made a resource guide with the top 6 must-haves I mention in the video, where to get them, how to get discounts, and what brands to buy. It’s pretty detailed…a lot to tell you! I want to make sure you got all the right info to gather up your gear.
Download your guide and get in on the whole Kickin’ It Clean, Healthy and Hot series so you don’t miss anything.
Do you have an “I can’t live without it” kitchen tool? Share in the comments and tell me what you use it for.
Fall Renewal 10 Day Detox starts soon! Read more: Fall Renewal
7 Comments on “Top 6 Must Have Tools for Your Clean Kitchen”
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for such a great post and video. I seriously need to get a ceramic knife! I still don’t have a vitamix, but my blender does alright and I can get by with my Cuisinart for thicker things. My favorite tool is a spiralizer!! I love to make spaghetti like noodles out of zucchini and also the thin sweet potato chips (raw dehydrated) I make. Love this tool!
thanks for inspiring me once again,
Yes, those sweet potato chips you make look so divine! That spiralizer! It is certainly an honorable mention…right there with my garlic press. As for my knife, it feels so good…I probably sound crazy, but I do LOVE my knife. Maybe that is why Dexter is my absolute favorite show…something about knives turns me on.:) Thanks for your recommendation and keep rockin’ it out, lady. xo
What a great video!! Thanks Lisa. I actually need all those items as I’m still making due with things I got for my wedding–17 1/2 years ago!!! I really want those containers and the apron, too!
Why thank you, lovely lady! I’m sure you got some good swag at your wedding… I was there! Even if you start with that good knife, it can make prepping so much easier. 🙂
Hi Lisa! The kitchen tool that I use most often (except for knives and cutting board) is my citrus squeezer – the kind that you put 1/2 of a lemon into and then squeeze the handles together. I have a lemon-sized one and a lime-sized one, and I use them ALL the time. I don’t know if I described it right, so maybe this link will work: http://www.target.com/p/norpro-stainless-steel-citrus-juicer/-/A-563320?reco=Rec%7Cpdp%7C563320%7CClickCP%7Citem_page.new_vertical_1&lnk=Rec%7Cpdp%7CClickCP%7Citem_page.new_vertical_1
Ahhhh, the citrus squeezer! I don’t have one of those…but on my list. AND thanks for passing along the link, sweet Devon. This is so helpful! So excited to get your note! xo
Hi Lisa. My favorite kitchen tool is a VitaMix. Yes, it’s expensive and oh so worth it! We pushed boundaries to buy it at the time but that was at least ten years ago and it works great. Think long term and treat yourself is my advice. Hugs, Karen P.S. I have tons of tupperware and the glass containers are now my favorite.