Clean Eating Prep Ideas



Ready to put the clean eating plan together?

We talked about reading labels and portion control and now it is time to make clean eating a habit.

I discuss the top 3 ways to get your plan underway during the vid.

View and then read about the amazing prep ideas below:

(Yes, Kate and Ana, the hen, are at it again!)

As you begin to plan, shop and prep, I want you to keep this in mind:

Get straight with time.  I really had a big sit down with myself about this. In the vid, it’s no joke. I really couldn’t keep my eyes off of House of Cards and I wasn’t present to what really mattered.

Chris Brogan, speaker, writer and strategist, says,

“One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves and others is that we are too busy. 

You’re not too busy.

Stop watching Game of Thrones.

Stop over-volunteering.

Cut meetings to 20 minutes.

Cut out phone calls unless you really really really want the call.

Quit everything that isn’t core to your missions and passions.”

Giving up Game of Thrones (House of Cards, whatever your crack may be) might be hard, but making real time for things that matter will take you closer to your goals.

So let’s scratch “I’m so busy!” when someone asks us how we are doing. And let’s think of this when it comes to meal planning and forming automatic healthy habits. I know from experience that doing things half-assed and without full commitment doesn’t lead to life-long changes.

Planning = Success

You got this!

Now you are probably wondering the easiest things to prep.

Try these ideas:

Salad Jars

(Make 5 of these jars for the week; put the dressing on the bottom and stack up the ingredients in mason jar and store in fridge)

Smoothie Jars

(This prep idea is the #1 trick I can’t live without)

Power Balls

(You can make 50 of these nut butter treats and freeze them; pop them into your mouth for long runs or long road trips)

Nut Butter Power Ball Recipe

(Detox graduate, Cathy S.’s Power Balls!)

GF Banana Oat Muffins

(My all-time favorite snack to prep; easy and full of fiber and protein)


Banana oat muffins are addicting

(Detox graduate, Jen F. of Savory Simple, made these!)


Veggies and Dip

 Heidi's rainbow veggies( Clean + Sexy member, Heidi K.’s rainbow veggies)

You can make this yummo dip to go with these beauties:

 Spinach Dip

2 cups spinach
1 cucumber, chopped
½ cup water
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 avocado, peeled and pitted
Sea salt to taste

In a food processor, blend all ingredients together. Try to make a creamy consistency. Try to use as little water as possible.

Makes 4 servings. If kept in an airtight glass container in fridge, the dip will last for 4-5 days.

Now I would LOVE to hear from you! We always learn from each other so in the comments below, tell me ONE thing you like to prep for the week. Your share can spur on new ideas for prepping magic.

 If you liked the info in this post, please share it with your friends.

PS. Special thanks to Clean + Sexy member and my dear friend, Jennifer Barret, for letting us film in her gorgeous kitchen and borrow her hen, Ana. AND thank you to my partner in crime, Kate Ryan.

Big big big thanks to Alison Harbaugh, Sugar Farm Productions, for the amazing video magic.

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2 Comments on “Clean Eating Prep Ideas”

  1. I love the mason jar…in every size and shape. Use them for everything the little ones are perfect for a portable spinach dip.

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